Your Zodiac Says How You Send Texts!

Most of us want to show ourselves that we don’t believe in Zodiac signs and Horoscope. But, whenever we get a fresh newspaper we first search horoscope column because astrology is fun and we all love to read about ourselves. Reading our own Zodiac is like experiencing the birthday. Here we are with a new article. Scroll to know what your zodiac says about your texting habits.

Yes, all the zodiac signs have different texting habits. Read yours and the one whom you are interested in:


An Aries zodiac sign shows its love in texting by being consistent. They don’t like to sit on the fence when it comes to romantic matters.  Aries is likely to text you to hang out, and make some sarcastic remarks, and keep their grammar on point. The reason behind this is that they’re direct.


Texting habits of this zodiac are Three to five words at a time max that make the other person think, Oh, damn. This can be a good or bad “oh, damn” but Leo does not need that many words to get someone to sit up and have some #feelings about what you texted. You’re all about getting a reaction. To be fair, yes, this is a pretty bold power move, but that’s what makes people love (and fear) you.


When Taurus texts it’s right to the point, which contrasts to how they are in person: their texting habits are that they are extremely friendly and vivacious. Although you might take their texting habit to mean that they’re not interested in talking to you, that’s not it at all; it’s just that their fun personality is hidden under a series of rock emojis.



Your texting habits will never really say what you actually want them to say and read more like a series of pleasantries. If you said what you really mean, they’d be the length of a book (your river of feelings is never-ending and runs through multiple counties). Texting Habits: novel texters. They need to get everything that they’re feeling out, and texting is as good a way.


Gemini, texting habits are that they are full of duality, an aggressive genius, a goal conqueror. Gemini will text you and only you. They’ll focus on you and the entire game. They may come off too intense in the beginning. They may pout in darkness, they may romance you with roses, a serenade, and never ending poetry. Gemini is complex, loyal, and willing to be malleable. If a Gemini likes you, they may easily switch to the kinds of texting tactics you use. Gemini conversations are not all the same



Peppered with questions, texting habits fill with questions where are we meeting? With whom??! What? When?! Your need to remain balanced at all times means you want to get all the facts before you can respond to anything, Libras need to know, and yet if you text them something that makes them uncomfortable, they’ll just ignore it


This zodiac is very pragmatic so they’ll look at texting as a necessary evil. More often than not, they’ll respond to your text with a call. their texting habits are that they don’t want the opportunity to misinterpret your text.



Peoples of Sagittarius zodiac are friendly, affectionate, and a performer. Sagittarius is on the fence as to whether they want a serious relationship or if they just want to date. Sagittarius is a sweet and hospitable sign. Texting habits include a decent amount of encouraging texts.


Texting habits are that they probably don’t text that often, but when you do, the domineering part of your psyche needs everyone around you to recognise that they have been texted by you and that you do not do this for just anyone. Ideally, they will bow down before you by writing back and being super appreciative that you were thinking of them.



Aquarius texting habits say that they like to use as a way to send you links for all different kinds of articles. They’re interested in a variety of subjects, and so should you. They also have a tendency to make up their own words, which they think is hilarious but leaves the receiver confused.


Capricorns aren’t anti-text; they’re just anti-texting first. It’s kind of strange; it’s not like you lose power if you text someone first. However, when they receive a text, Capricorns couldn’t be sweeter, funnier, or more thoughtful. If texting them first is what it takes, it’s well worth it.


Pisces wish they could say you spent hours and hours honing their perfectly worded, borderline poetic texting habit, but actually, they flow from they like wine because they love words and honestly they’re just really good at using.

The article has been prepared with the reference of different search engines and different websites.

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