Nine Bad Habits That Makes You Fat

Are you really worried about your unwanted weight  gain, your increased belly fat and unattractive body shape? Here are the nine bad habits, of which you must be unknown and made you fat.

1. Eating before going to bed.

Eating before bed increases your body calories and makes you fat. In addition it causes heart burn, over eating and weight gain, Insomnia, Asthma Complications.  It is better to have heavy meal two-three hours before bed.

2. Sleeping poorly

Keeping a set sleep schedule should enhance your sleep. If you don’t have any set time to go to bed your body chemistry may get out of sync, creates hormonal imbalances and makes you fat.

In addition your reaction times slow down, your memory suffers, Men’s testosterone level can decrease, your body releases more stress hormones and less human growth hormones and even you could suffer brain damage.

3. Eating while watching television

Eating while watching television increases the amount of food you consume and lowers the metabolism rate,  which eventually increases your body calories and makes you fat.

4. Stress and Anxiety

When you experience these feelings, you are confronted with emotional hunger, and you tends to eat more. This can increase your weight and disrupt your quality of life.

5. Eating Quickly

Our generation is always in a hurry. We are a mobile society and eat on the run. Often, we don’t take time to properly chew our food. It generally takes 20 minutes  to eat, if we chew each bite slowly.

6. Skipping Meals

Skipping meals makes you fat and is the one of the worst things you can do for your body and mind.  Most dietitians and health care professionals agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Our food in the morning activates our metabolism.  Without a good metabolism rate, its nearly impossible to burn calories. The first meal of the day should include proteins, a small portion of healthy fat food, and combined complex carbohydrates.

7. Excessive Salt

An accumulation of salt isn’t good for your weight, but it can also cause fluid retention.  When there is too much fluid, this may have a negative impact on your blood pressure.

8. Not consuming enough water

Drinking inadequate water makes you fat. Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day which helps to burn your body fat efficiently. If you want to increase your appetite for water , try flavored water infused with lemon, cucumber and mint.

9. Having Overweight Friends

If your friends or spouse over eat you are 57% more likely to over eat too, according to research from the New England Journal of Medicine. We are not suggesting you cut ties with your overweight friends . Instead of going out to eat, plan social activities, you will have more fun together and burn calories instead of packing them on.

With enough focus and attention in these habits , you can  enjoy a flatter tummy and a healthier body. Give your response in the comment section below.

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